Subscription factories
サブスクリプション・ファクトリは IRP に後から追加されたもので、ユーザーは 0 個以上のパラメータを持つサブスクリプションの「テンプレート」を定義できるようになりました。そのため、サブスクリプションファクトリは、susbcription タイプと互換性のあるリターンタイプを持つ単なる関数です。
Subscription factories were a later addition to IRP, enabling users to define “templates” for subscriptions that have zero or more parameters. As such, they’re merely functions with a return type compatible with the susbcription type.
// Rx
interface IDisposable
void Dispose();
class Program
IDisposable Create(DateTimeOffset dueTime, string path) =>
.Subscribe(new FileObserver<long>(path));
// IRP
interface IAsyncReactiveQubscription : IExpressible
Task DisposeAsync();
class Program
Task<IAsyncReactiveQubscription> CreateAsync(Uri subscriptionId, DateTimeOffset dueTime, string path) =>
.SubscribeAsync(subscriptionId, AsyncReactiveQbserver.File<long>(path));
The way these client-side methods such as AsyncReactiveQbservable.Timer and AsyncReactiveQbserver.File<T> are implemented will be discussed later. In particular, we’ll discuss how these methods are used as proxies to refer to reactive artifacts in a target IRP system, which are addressed using an extrinsic identifier.
Note that Rx has an algebra over IDisposable, which acts as the type representing a subscription. It seems logical to have the isomorphic equivalent in IRP, namely an algebra for the ISubscription family of interfaces (such as IAsyncReactiveQubscription). Subscription factories allow for this but no IRP system today has taken advantage of this yet.